VCC Membership

At VCC, we view membership in the local church as a vital component for spiritual health and growth. We were not meant to go it alone. There are no Lone Ranger Christians. We are meant to belong with each other and belong to each other. The New Testament uses the metaphors of the family, the kingdom, the bride of Christ, and others to describe what it means to be part of the church. The most powerful and unique of these metaphors is the idea of the church as a body. We are parts of the same body, fulfilling different roles, gifted with different abilities, but all working together for the building up of the body.

Membership is a vital part of this life as a body. Ephesians 4:11-16 is a key passage on the Body of Christ.

We have a specific membership process that we want all current and future members to complete. This process was adopted in December of 2017, and we’re asking all current members to complete it by the end of 2020 so that everyone will be on the same page. If you’ve become a member since Dec 2017, you’ve already done everything in this process. If you’re considering becoming a member, or you wish to re-affirm your membership, we ask that you complete the following steps.

1 – Participate in all three of the membership class sessions. These sessions were taught as a sermon series in the spring of 2020 in order to help the whole church get up to speed. Future membership classes will be offered periodically.

2 – Read the VCC Constitution and By-Laws.

3 – Read “I Am A Church Member,” a small book provided by the church.

4 – Participate in an elder interview. The purpose of this conversation is to ensure that all members have a Biblical understanding of the Gospel, are confident in their salvation in Christ, and understand what makes VCC the church we are. This is also a great time to get any questions answered.

5 – Sign and return the VCC Church Covenant.

If you have questions about any of this, please contact an elder. If you want to check on your status, please contact Lindsey in the office.